So. hows life? I really don't know what exactly I wanna write about I just know I feel like blogging about any and everything. I guess first I'll tell you about my day...and honestly at the moment I'm telling myself about my day because right now nobody knows I have one of these but soon enough I'll probably put the link on my myspace or something. ANYWAY. so first I went to biology and frankly I dont remember what we did other than we did a lab. woo hoo. then Algebra 2 actually went by a lot faster than I imagined it would...then lunch I went to an interact club meeting which interact seems like it will be pretty cool. thennnnn I went to english and i REALLY like my english class cause it flies by and my teacher is awesome and its just fun. then I got outta keyboarding early (2:30) cause I went to the doctor for a check up thing and I WENT BY mommy wouldnt come. which is weird cause shes always been there so I had to fill out all the papers by myself and I didnt know half the info but thats okay. so then i had my lil check up thing and im stil 5'3 or whatever and im still 119 lbs and im still healthy and all is well...AND i got cool bandaids!!!! one was cause they pricked my finger (hehe) and i gotta sparkley silver one and then one was for a second chicken pox shot so i wont ever get it fo sho and i got the tazmanian devil dude was loverly. but anywho i then proceeded to church where brad ordered PIZZA! and I got the leftovers...but then scott n the band kids had to meet with brad so me kyle n sophie went to my daddys house n got money then went to cvs and then to wendys and i got food and i was happy..then we went back to church and ate and played baseball with big plastic balls that you would find in a drug store or walmart or somethin and a toliet plunger....hehe. twas fun. but church was good and stuff n then I came home and now this is what im doing. hehe. wow I'm having a weird conversation with stuff. i like weird but fun conversations. For some reason I feel like naming all of the lovely things that I love...theyre all coming to mind..and
most of these give me direct thoughts to God which is why I love them so much...hmmm...starting with...God,mountains, flowers, clouds, pebbles, trees, rivers/streams, fog, sunrise and sunset, a morning breeze, rain, when it looks kinda redish outside before the sunset or after it rains, grass, rocks..BIG rocks, twigs, horses, fall leaves, people, deep conversations, laughing,randomness, singing, pretty music, the sound of the mandolin, long flowy skirts, the word lovely (my favorite), coffee, smoothies, mcalisters, friendships, love, peace, joy, the color green, disney, bras (thats a weird one i know...but i really do like them), anna skattebo, crew & elc, scott bolte and our whole relationship, lexis whitten, ALL OF MY FRIENDS --dont wanna name em all, frisbee..all kindsa stuff..but now I have other things to talk about.
God-the most lovely subject of all. I dislike how to some people not doing a devotion daily means my relationship with God is slipping. I mean it very well may be but I don't see it that way at all. My problem is that I dont feel like sitting down and reading the bible. I dont mind singing or listenin to music or any other form of worship and it feels like enough for me but apparently its not enough in everyone elses opinion which, is important to me becasue its coming from people I love, but still not completely affecting how I do things. I def. understand and believe that I need to read the bible to learn more and be able to apply more to my every day life and to get to know God more its
just every so often that I actually want to READ and comprehend..because I dont do enough of that during the day at school..(sike)..I dont know...and I know a big way that God shows himself is through the bible..I mean his own words, rules to live by, etc. and I deff. want to get into it more its just that factor of wanting to take the time to do so. I pray that I'll get to know him more and that he'll show himself to me more and more and to put a deeper desire to get to know him in my heart..and the desire is there its just I think i sorta need to take that extra step to get to know him..I feel like everything is right in front of me I'm just kinda ignoring it. I duno...will yall pray for me on that. Cause I really want a deeper relationship with God and I want to be more firmly rooted in him. Moving on...ya know what else kinda gets me. Is how we were created to bring glory to God and live a life
FOR HIM. yet we have all come SO far from why we are here. we worry so much about us and all around us and it seems like we just forget why we are really here on earth and the fact that God is using us some way..that we arent here for us and what we want and what we get or feel ...and thats deff. not the first thing I think of every morning "how can I glorify God today" (although that would be AWESOME..i should start doing but I mean I rarely think about the fact that nothign here really matters other than the fact that God created me for a reason and that I'm made to serve for him and love like him and glorify him. Its just crazy to think that a WHOLE LOT of stuff we have here on earth doesnt help us glorify god and in a lot of cases it really DOESNT glorify him at all. and to think that we are so wrapped up in all this crazy nonsense material things that dont do anything for us other than bring temporary happiness when we could be finding our eternal joy in God and I really want to work on that just cause I know that I would rather focus on a lot of material/temporary things than focus on God a lot of times which I really dont like and I want to be able to push all of that aside and honestly realize that God is what my life should be completely and honestly and wholeheartedly based on..and nothing else. I really want to pay more attention to that all the time...which is weird cause it seems like I should give my full attention to God all the time and everyhting else is secondary..(actually it doesnt seem like IS exactly that) and its just ...weird that we have come so far from God being our #1 focus in life. And Ive been thinking ive had my priorities straight for a while now..but i think im starting to see that I really dont. cause i do put a heck of a lot before God....but anyway. my ramblins..hehe. I'm really excited bout the sunday night group (the girls study with april n hilary n stuff), my group with joyous,kailey,n jenna.., serving in the nursery and special friends part of church, the occasional spiritual meeting with scott, and just I have SO much to look forward to this year and I'm hoping that I can grow like crazy in God and just see more and more of him as I grow in him...
ok im defffff going to bed now...hour past the bedtime i wanted to be asleep at....hehe
love yall